Attempting to clean up hippie camp, county encounters hippies

The county of Marin, California, in suing to clean up what sounds like a hazardous Bolinas hippie camp has found hippies.


The county ordered Freedomhowler to clean up the property and comply with codes. Repeated followup inspections in the ensuing months revealed no progress.

In 2016, according to county filings, Freedomhowler reported that he planned to abandon the agricultural operation. Instead, he planned to use the property as a monastery-like site called "Jasmin's Gathering" under the auspices of an entity called the Institution of None and All, according to county filings.

Christopher Rockwell, executive director of the organization, represented Freedomhowler as his spiritual adviser. Rockwell accused the county of religious discrimination. The county denied the allegation, saying it was neutrally enforcing health and safety regulations that applied to everyone.

In 2018, after more inspections and violation notices, Freedomhowler announced plans to transfer the property to two religious entities. One was the Temple of Kun Fusion, a San Francisco-based spiritual nonprofit also known as the Temple of Kon Fusion. The other was the St. John Will-I-Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church Jurisdiction of the West, a congregation inspired by the music of the jazz saxophonist.

Having lived in Marin County, it takes a lot to get the county to do much.