In the Beatles' "Hey Jude," you can hear someone say "Fucking hell!"

I've listened to "Hey Jude" my entire life but had never noticed that at 2:58 in the song, one of the Beatles yells "Whoa! Fucking hell!"

From Beatles History:

Although engineer Geoff Emerick was not present for this recording session, he relates an occurrence of this day that made it onto the finished product. In his book "Here, There And Everywhere" he explains: "Just after the start of the third verse, right between the lines 'The minute you let her under your skin / Oh, then you begin,' you can clearly hear Paul curse off mic, saying 'F#cking hell!' (Engineer) John Smith had a vivid memory of John Lennon pointing that out when they were playing the tape back. 'Paul hit a clunker on the piano and said a naughty word,' Lennon gleefully crowed, 'but I insisted we leave it in, buried just low enough so that it can barely be heard. Most people won't ever spot it…but we'll know it's there.'

The album's mix engineer Malcolm Toft has a different recollection, claiming that it was Lennon who cursed in response to a spike in his headphone volume.