Sasquatch is a new three-part documentary series investigating a series of strange murders Northern California's infamous "Emerald Triangle" where cannabis farming is serious business and people mysteriously vanish with unsettling regularity. From Rolling Stone:
The series was inspired by the work of investigative journalist David Holthouse, who is heavily featured in Sasquatch as both an interview subject and interviewer. In 1993, Holthouse visited the infamous "Emerald Triangle" in Northern California — home to some of the most renowned cannabis growers in the world — and encountered a story involving three men on a farm who were torn limb-from-limb, in what was believed by some local residents to be a Bigfoot attack.
The show premiers on Hulu on April 20. In the meantime, I highly recommend the captivating Netflix documentary about the Emerald Triangle titled Murder Mountain. No mention of Bigfoot in it though.