Over the weekend, customs officials at India's Delhi Airport nabbed two men attempting to smuggle gold under their toupées. Several others were arrested for smuggling gold using more traditional methods such as sewing it inside their underwear and jamming it up their butts. The men were flying in from Dubai. From India TV:
Identified as Magroob Akbarali, a resident of Ramanathapuram, and Zubair Hassan Rafiyutheen, a resident of Chennai, both landed at the airport from Dubai on Sunday. Customs officials suspected them of hiding something and halted him for a thorough check. During the check, sleuths found 2 packets of gold paste weighing 698 grams were found concealed under their wigs, which on extraction yielded 595 grams gold. They had even shaved off a portion of their hair in order to deceive security personnel.
In another case, Balu Ganesan, 42, a resident of Trichy, who arrived by the same flight was intercepted and arrested by the customs officials. During a search, three bundles of gold paste were recovered from the rectum which on extraction yielded 622 grams of gold.