Debra Hunter of Florida was ordered to pay $5,000 and serve 30 days in jail for intentionally coughing on a person who has a brain tumor at a Pier 1 Imports store. "I think I'll get real close to you and cough on you. How's that?" said Hunter as she walked up to the victim and coughed in her face.
During Hunter's sentencing, the judge in the case said she was struck by Hunter's lack of remorse or concern for the victim.
From AP:
Before ordering jail time, Duval County Court Judge James Ruth said she was struck by the fact that Hunter's testimony focused less on how she may have harmed the victim and more on how her actions affected her own family.
"Her children didn't create this problem and her husband didn't, and she talked about how it changed her world and she was getting nastygrams on Facebook and things of that nature and they can't go to their country club or wherever," Ruth said. "But I have yet to see any expression, or a significant expression on her regret about the impact it had on the victim in this case!"