These maniacs decided letting a wild black bear sit down with them at their picnic table was a good way to commune with nature in a remote forest of Maryland. Though a case of Miller Lite beer is prominently visible in their meal with Mama Bear, I'm guessing alcohol did not play a factor in the questionable judgment of this crew.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is asking people to scare off black bears if they approach them to ask for food. They even have a notice that says:"NEVER FEED It! Scare it away. Make loud noises, bang pans, or yell. Seeing bears can be very enjoyable. However, having a bear in camp can lead to problems that will persist long after you have gone home. If a problem becomes serious, your safety and that the bear's safety may become jeopardized."
Now that these geniuses have helped socialize that bear into associating people with food the likelihood that harm may come to a person or that bear in the future just increased. Thanks, bubbleheads!