Annie Wise and Riley Loudermilk, both 18, were voted this year's prom king and queen at Kings High School at Kings High School just north of Cincinnati, Ohio where I grew up. The lesbian couple have been dating for six months. When I was in public high school in Cincinnati in the 1980s, there wasn't a single student who was out even among the "alternative" group of kids in my scene. I look forward to a time when stories like this one aren't news. From WLWT:
"I admire this generation for their thirst of knowledge and understanding, their strength to stand up for what they believe in," said one parent.
Another unidentified parent at the board meeting disagreed. "Sorry, but I believe that there are still two genders, a male and a female."
These were two of the many opinions voiced at Tuesday night's Kings Local School District board meeting. They underline a community on the precipice of change: some for it, others against it.
"Some people, you're never going to change their mind. And you know what? That's OK too. People are allowed to believe and feel what they believe and feel," Jen Kirby, mother of Annie Wise, said.
Related, some parents at the board meeting had shown up to express outrage that junior and senior English elective students had been assigned the book Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You. What's the problem? Oh, you know, all lives matter, blah, blah, idiocy.