Reality TV star Josh Duggar, a spokesman for the Christian nationalist hate group Family Research Council, was recently arrested for possessing child pornography. Federal agent Gerald Faulkner, who was given the terrible task of having to review the files on Duggar's computer, said the material was among the "top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine."
It's curious that Duggar's computer had any kind of porn on it because Duggar's wife had installed a program on his computer called Covenant Eyes, a utility advertised as being "safe, secure, and proven effective at helping members overcome porn addiction." Covenant Eyes tracked Duggar's internet activities and sent reports to his wife. But according to Faulkner, Duggar installed additional software that hid his internet usage from Covenant Eyes.
Dugger was arrested in Arkansas last week. He's out on bail and back home with his six kids and pregnant wife who, presumably at this moment, is installing anti-anti-anti porn software on Duggar's machine.