As a huge fan of Charles Burns' popular graphic novels such as Black Hole and the X'ed Out trilogy, it was awesome to find out about his art book, Free Shit. What was once a zine that Burns would give away for free at conventions (hence the name) is now a collection of all 25 issues in a hardcover book. Burns began self-publishing his secret zine in 2000, and all of it is finally available to the public in one pocket-sized book. Free Shit contains sketches, process pieces, notes, finished drawings, and more, all in black and white. From the book description: "the book is a revealing behind-the-scenes look at how characters and motifs in acclaimed works like Black Hole and Last Look have evolved." I love the rawness and experimentation of the drawings in Free Shit. I always appreciate seeing the process work of artists whom I admire. The surreal darkness of Burns' work always captivates me. If you want to buy Free Shit, here is the link.