Talk about a buzzkill. This fellow wanted to get stoned in the privacy of his shirt, but he let the burning weed get too close to the fabric and had to quickly remove the garment. Fortunately, the incident was captured on video to provide a valuable lesson — hold your shirt farther away from your pipe when you do this.
Gentleman smokes pot under his T-shirt, surprised when shirt catches fire
- reefer madness
"High Everybody" PSA warning against marijuana's ability to spark joy
High Everybody is a series of public Information films warning against Marijuana's ability to spark joy. The PIF shows three different people who all find themselves having a little too… READ THE REST
This PSA told me that if you smoke pot, you might become flat (literally)
Beware: If you smoke pot, you might become flat (literally), like Sarah, the girl in this Anti-Pot video! The video was made by Above The Influence, in an attempt to… READ THE REST
Tennessee police to drug users: don't flush your dope or you'll create "meth gators"
Following a raid where they caught a suspect flushing evidence down the toilet Loretto, Tennessee Police Department has asked the citizenry to refrain from flushing dope due to the potential… READ THE REST
Finally, a tracker that doesn't create an awkward bulge like the AirTags do
TL;DR: Save 44% on the MagTag through February 23, a credit card-shaped tracker card that'll help you never misplace your wallet, luggage, or passport holder. We've all been there, feeling the impending… READ THE REST
One app, endless free content — no subscriptions, no stress
TL;DR: BitMar's a streaming content finder that hunts down free, ad-free content from across the web. Pay $14.99 once for lifetime access with promo code BITMAR5 until February 23. Streaming services have become like that… READ THE REST
Talk like a local and train your brain with this lifetime Babbel deal
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to Babbel's language-learning platform for $129.99 with StackSocial's promo code LEARN40 until February 17. Learning a new language doesn't just open doors to new cultures — it rewires your brain in… READ THE REST