Boing Boing

LEGO releasing its first LGBTQ-themed set in honor of Pride Month

"Everyone is Awesome" is LEGO's first LGBTQ-themed set. The rainbow flag set totals 346 pieces including 11 Minifigs. The set will be available starting in June to celebrate Pride Month. From CNN:

"I wanted to create a model that symbolizes inclusivity and celebrates everyone, no matter how they identify or who they love," the set's designer Matthew Ashton said in a statement Thursday.

Ashton said the set was also a celebration of the LGBTQ community within Lego and among the company's adult fans.

"I am fortunate to be a part of a proud, supportive and passionate community of colleagues and fans," he said.

"We share love for creativity and self-expression through Lego bricks and this set is a way to show my gratitude for all the love and inspiration that is constantly shared."

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