Good's Candy Shop in Anderson, Indiana is looking for workers. Proprietor Randy Good has a lot to say about the kind of people he doesn't want working for him, particularly "pukers" and "splitters."
From the posting on Facebook:
Splitting is a behavior of girls, young mostly but not always. Usually taught by their mothers. This is the person who talks about others in an attempt to split people apart and feel better about themselves. You know, "so and so said this about you and I couldn't believe it! so and so is so stuck up that she thinks she's better than us". And so it goes. This my friends, is poison in action. These misguided gals have no end game. It's just spreading and stirring all the while believing they are innocent. It's such a common thing among girls. This is where toxicity and drama find their roots.
I'll admit, it's hard to deal with. They are very good at what they do. Many times they are good workers which is even more frustrating. I can also say with certainty, there is no cure. I've tried over the years but they can't fix what they don't believe to be true. They deny it 100% of the time. They call it "helping".
Boys seldom practice this. They just duke it out! ha!
If a splitter can recruit, which is one of her tools, she feels vindicated. If she can't find someone to join her she will leave.
Pukers are those we know, and just like splitters, we all know one, who approach you daily, dump their stuff on you and then go about their business. All they want to do is complain about their stuff to someone who will listen so they can feel normal. They walk away and each time you are left holding this bag of puke. They feel great and you feel, well… like you've been puked on! They are exhausting.
Some of these behaviors we can manage. Most we can't.