Steam offers an offensive videogame on homelessness

This morning I woke up to find an email from Steam offering me a deal on a video game called Garbage, which touts it self as a tongue and cheek send up of homelessness.

In Garbage, you can experience the struggle which a homeless man goes through in a humorous yet non-offensive manner. Primitive elements of contemporary life, such as staying warm, well-nourished, and hygienic, will become an issue. 
"Live a chilling story through hand drawn comics that narrate the silliness of Garbage world", says Rafal Kokosza, CEO at GrabTheGames. "Just don't get sucked in by the negative emotions".
Garbage features a grim city environment with astonishing visual effects and catchy music. Listen to unique sounding character voices that resemble no words but a weird hobo mumble.

In 2020, nearly 4 homeless people died/day in Los Angeles. I understand that number is up to 5 human lives per day in 2021.

Look at the videos added to YouTube in just the last day, and just about LA's homeless problem. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of our fellow brothers and sisters are refugees from our broken economic and social system.

This is a horrible, horrible failure of our society and not a fun fighting video game.