Angry gentleman has a fit over a painted Pride crosswalk

An angry gentleman did not take kindly to a rainbow crosswalk that Pride Month volunteers painted in Saskatoon, Canada this week. Like a silly Looney Tunes cartoon character, the exasperated cowboy walked around in a huff, cursing, calling the volunteers "stupid," and grabbing barricades without knowing what to do with them. "Get the fuck away!" the gent said in a comical display of buffoonery as he marched by the patient group with a wooden barricade in each hand.

The rainbow hater finally said he'll leave, "because you guys are a bunch of assholes." But not before the little chit-chat he had with a police officer, who had been called to the scene. "The man has been charged with causing a disturbance," says CBC. "He is set to appear in court in November."