Art gallery removes film that rated 5,000 women from "prettiest to ugliest"

Did Mark Zuckerberg fund this movie? It's called Uglier and Uglier. The seven-hour-long film by Song Ta has images of 5,000 university students in China, rated from 1 to 5,000 by Song.

After over a million people protested the film on social media, the Shanghai gallery that had been showing the film stopped showing it and issued a statement on Weibo: "After receiving criticism, we re-evaluated the content of this artwork and the artist's explanation, we found it disrespected women, and the way it was shot has copyright infringement issues. As a museum that supports diversity, we will take this as a warning, improve our services and treat everyone with empathy."

From the BBC:

Song created the controversial exhibit in 2013 and it has appeared in several shows since then.

In his introduction to the project, he says he recorded the women as they passed by him on a university campus, the South China Post reported. Then he numbered them according to how attractive he found them – from prettiest to ugliest – to create the seven-hour long video.

"So if you want to see the campus queen, you have to go to the museum as early as possible. Otherwise, as dusk comes, it will become a living hell in this place," he said.

In a 2019 interview with Vice magazine, Song said he and a team of assistants had digitally sorted the images under titles such as "forgivably ugly" and "unforgivably ugly."

He defended the work saying: "I think I have the right to tell the truth."