Watching Jen Psaki crush Peter Doocy is like watching a vintage Looney Tunes or Merrie Melodies Saturday morning cartoon. Of course Doocy always plays the dim-witted aggressor (Elmer Fudd, Wile E. Coyote, Sylvester) while Psaki plays the sharp and hilarious protagonist (Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Tweetie) who outfoxes her challenger every single time. And although every formulaic episode runs through the same theme, it's always funny and never gets old.
Which brings us to this week's Jen-and-Peter show, where Doocy foolishly steps into the ring to bash Texas Democrats for leaving the state to block the voter-suppression bill. He then tries, per usual, to outwit Psaki. "Do you know of any examples, of his 36 years in the Senate, that Joe Biden just hopped on a train and left town to avoid a vote that he knew he was going to lose?"
But Psaki, also per usual, side-steps his failed "gotcha" punch with a wide-grinned chuckle, and then says, "Welcome back," as if to say here we go again with your buffoonery. Her response receives hearty laughter, reminiscent of a 1950s laugh track, from the other reporters in the room.
Toward the end of the episode (:58), after she explains Biden's position (approval) on the Texas Democrats' actions, Doocy goes in for another failed knock-out. "Maybe it's funny to think about it that way, but the president is talking about this as the most serious assault on our democracy…" to which Psaki cuts him off and puts him in his place with "I don't think anything about this is funny," before schooling the silenced Fox reporter.
And that's all, folks!