A Napa woman was arrested for selling fake Moderna vaccination cards

A naturopathic doctor in Napa, California, accused of forging Moderna vaccination cards and peddling fake Covid "pellets" in lieu of shots, has been arrested. The 41-year-old ND, Juli Mazi, worked out of her house, where she allegedly pushed Covid conspiracy fears to profit from quackery.

The state-licensed naturopath was raided by the FBI on Wednesday after a family tipped them off in April, saying she sold them pellets that she claimed contained minuscule amounts of the coronavirus to give them "lifelong immunity to Covid-19," according to ABC. Mazi told patients that Covid vaccinations, on the other hand, contained toxic ingredients.

From ABC:

Juli A. Mazi, 41, of Napa, was charged with one count of wire fraud and one count of false statements related to health care matters, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement Wednesday.

Prosecutors scolded Mazi for peddling fake medical information and seeding skepticism at a time when health officials are pleading with the public to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The pandemic and the vaccines have generated deep divisions in the country, with some saying they don't trust the shots and won't get inoculated.

Federal prosecutors say Mazi sold homeoprophylaxis immunization pellets she fraudulently claimed would provide "lifelong immunity to COVID-19." She told customers the pellets contained small amounts of the virus and would create an antibody response, prosecutors said.