Kimberly Klacik is a failed pro-Trump congressional candidate. Candace Owens is a pro-Trump pundit who accused Klacik of being a strip club "madame" who laundered money and paid for cocaine with campaign finances. Klacik is suing Owens for defamation. Justin Baragona at Daily Beast:
In the lawsuit that was filed in Baltimore County Circuit Court, first reported by Fox Baltimore, Klacik claimed she has seen her career in right-wing media crater after Owens posted the 44-minute Instagram video on June 22. According to Klacik's attorney, the pundit has lost a book deal, been pulled from political fundraisers, lost a contract with a "nationally recognized vendor," and seen her television appearances dry up. (Klacik had at one point, like Owens, been a regular guest on Fox News programming.) The lawsuit alleges that Owens' video was the culmination of a "petty Twitter feud" between two of the most prominent Black conservative pundits and supporters of former President Donald Trump.
Candace Owens's is a strange case. She ran a vulgar and amateurish anti-Trump news site, pivoted to a "troll database" idea that was timely enough to be noticed but criticized by the women she didn't even know it would be interpreted as for, then was love-bombed by alt-right internet personalities in the humiliating aftermath. This led her to the MAGA machine for which her thirsty posturing is well-suited, and a string of bizarre "malign or just dumb?" moments such as her public defense of Hitler: "if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay fine. The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize."
As for Klacik, there's nothing much to report, but those things Owens said about her read a lot like statements of fact. On the other hand, these are public figures producing what everyone knows is a deluge of hyperbolic bullshit. The Carlson Defense is surely at hand.