Boing Boing

Ottawa bridge attracts spiders that cast giant shadows

Screenshot of video taken by Rosemary Mosco of a spider casting a shadown on the Flora Footbridge

In 2019, the city of Ottawa opened up the Flora Footbridge, an attractive new structure that spans the city's Rideau Canal. At night when it's lit up, it's quite beautiful, as you can see from this promotional photo from DTAH, the firm that designed it …

But as the science writer Rosemary Mosco noted on Twitter, there is a "wee problem"

The lights draw in insects, so spiders have happily spun webs on every light. And the position of the lights means that the entire bridge casts ENORMOUS MOVING SPIDER SHADOWS along its entire length

She shot some pictures and video of the spider shadows, and yeeeiiiii …

I am now morbidly interested to see this. I visit Canada, my home and native land, pretty frequently; the next time I'm there I want to see Ottawa's new super creepy Spider Bridge.

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