Boing Boing

Every book banned by an all-white Pennsylania school board is by a non-white author

When an all-white Pennsylvania school board was asked why every book it unanimously banned was written by a non-white author, they said is was just a coincidence. The Central York School District baord also took umbrage at the word "ban," insisting the books were merely "frozen," until the books could be vetted by the board, which so far has taken the better part of a year.

The list includes a children's book about Rosa Parks, and I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai.

The board also banned… er, I mean "froze" CNN's Sesame Street Town Hall about racism.

From CNN:

York parent Matt Weyant commended the school board for implementing the ban.

"I don't want my daughter growing up feeling guilty because she's White," he said.

That sentiment is spreading across the US. A growing number of states have passed or are considering policies strictly defining what students are allowed to learn about race.

But it's the students who are missing out say former and current students.

During the board meeting, a man who said he was alumnus of the school district, said that unless the school board can go through each book on the ban and explain what's so "abhorrent," about each of them, then the books should be allowed back into the school's curriculum.

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