As Facebook faces relentless PR crises (privacy, misinformation, Russian interference, hate speech, monopolization, etc), it plans to promote positive stories about Facebook in its users' news feeds.
The initiative, code-named Project Amplify, aims to improve the company's image among its users. When it was created in an internal January meeting, it reportedly surprised some executives. Still, Mark Zuckerberg signed off on the plan last month. The New York Times:
The idea was that pushing pro-Facebook news items — some of them written by the company — would improve its image in the eyes of its users, three people with knowledge of the effort said. But the move was sensitive because Facebook had not previously positioned the News Feed as a place where it burnished its own reputation. Several executives at the meeting were shocked by the proposal, one attendee said.
"They're realizing that no one else is going to come to their defense, so they need to do it and say it themselves," said Katie Harbath, a former Facebook public policy director.