Musician Michael Hearst composed a lovely short song using a bunch of instruments I've never heard of:
- Space Crickets (made by Dan Steinberg)
- Aquaphone (made by Dan Steinberg)
- Peavy Patriot electric bass guitar (purchased for $75 from a Navy dude in Norfolk, VA in 1990.)
- Electric chord organ (Magnus Organ Corp. Bought on eBay.)
- Plastic hand clapper (Post – Hovedsponsor for Dansk Cykelsport – found on street.)
- Hohner Claviola (designed by Ernst Zacharias in the 1960s, built by Hohner in the 1990s.)
- Yamaha Club Jordan cocktail drum kit (Produced by Steve Jordan. Traded from Jim Thompson.)
- Knockman "Pororon" (Another Maywa Denki instrument/toy.)
- AgogĂ´ bell (At least I think that's what it's called?)
- Melodica child's clarinet (Found it on the street. Yes, I cleaned it first.)
- Hammered Dulcimer (Very kindly given to me by author Jane Smiley.)
- Bagpipe practice chanter (Found this in a shop in Sibiu, Romania in 2001.)