According to an Insider report, youth ministry giant YoungLife has repeatedly mishandled sexual assault allegations brought forth against their volunteers. The massive nonprofit tasks young, unpaid volunteers with the frontline work with students. The casual nature of YoungLife mentoring has, at times, led to inappropriate relationships and abuse. Former participants and staff are calling on the organization to change its sexual assault policy, which prohibits employees and volunteers from reporting misconduct to the police without executive approval.
Ten women contacted by Insider said they experienced sexual misconduct — including sexual assault, unwanted touching, and unwanted sexual attention — while participating in Young Life activities. When made aware of these allegations, either formally or informally, the organization's local or national leadership ignored or mishandled their complaints, the women said. After reporting their experiences internally, at least one lost her position within the organization and two others were suspended. Some said they were asked to forgive their alleged assailants, while others said they were cast out by those they considered friends and role models.
Business Insider