Boing Boing

This rubber wonder is my favorite shoe

Photo: Shutterstock

About ten years ago, Cory Doctorow was staying at our place for a couple of weeks. He had ordered some shoes online, but he discovered they were the wrong size when they arrived. He asked me if I wanted them. The shoes were red and made of rubber. I tried them one. They fit perfectly, and I instantly knew they were my shoe style for life.

I never went back to my old shoes. These shoes don't require socks; they are super easy to slip on and off at an airport TSA checkpoint; they are comfortable, lightweight, and available in an array of pop art colors. They are beautiful, too.

My feet stay warm inside them when it is cold; they breathe so my feet don't sweat or smell when it is hot. Because these shoes are so light and breathable, they are perfect for walking around Disneyland in August.
These shoes have helped me to become the person I am today. My life would be very different if I didn't have these shoes. I'm thankful to Cory for introducing me to these shoes. I'm thankful to the inventor. I'm thankful to the manufacturer. I'm thankful that the United States has laws that allow me to buy these shoes. I'm thankful that I live in a country where I can sit around and talk about how thankful I am to own a pair of rubber shoes.

Experience the miracle of rubber shoes yourself!

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