Between my work/writing schedule and my partner's returning to school, cooking dinner is no longer a daily occurrence. We're all about pan meals, roasts, Instant Pot oatmeal and sandwiches. As we haven't been able to drop down to Texas for the past two winters—nor will we now, as the culture has become, at least for us, untenable—I've been missing out on a lot of the foods that I love.
The foods I love from down south are, typically, can be cooked in large quantities and noshed on for days.
Take this recipe for pinto beans that the good folks at Texas Monthly whipped up. It's hearty enough to eat as a meal and tasty enough that it does well as a side to compliment other meals.
From Texas Monthly:
Memphis, Kansas City, and Boston have their sweet baked beans, but in Texas, we prefer pintos, and we prefer them savory and a little spicy. Pinto beans have become a pretty typical mainstay on barbecue joint menus, likely because the canned kind is cheap and easy to buy. And, even out of the can, they're pretty good, but it's hard to compare with a batch cooked from dry beans… These are barbecue beans, meaning they're made with barbecue (leftovers), barbecue sauce, and barbecue rub.
I mean, vegetarians aside (and I'm sure the recipe can be tweaked to accomodate them as well,) who could resist that?