Over the weekend, both Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson (AR) and Republican Senator Bill Cassidy (LA) insinuated that supporting Trump was a losing strategy.
First, there's Cassidy, who told "Axios on HBO," that he will not vote for Donald Trump if the ex-president runs in 2024, because, essentially, Trump was the big loser in 2020, and Cassidy wants the GOP to win: "President Trump is the first president ― in the Republican side at least ― to lose the House, the Senate and the presidency in four years. Elections are about winning." (Starts 1:48):
And then we've got Hutchinson saying on "Meet the Press" that Trump's ongoing Big Lie about the 2020 election could be "a recipe for disaster in 2022." He said if the GOP wants to win in 2022, they shouldn't be focusing on the last election:
These weekend comments, preceded by the tiny Trump-rally turnouts in June and September, might be a sign that one-trick-Trump's monotonous Big Lie is getting tired even for the GOP.