Home Depot's viral 12-foot skeleton really IS enormous

I finally got to see one of those 12-feet-tall skeletons from Home Depot that went viral last year in the wild. It was my teen who first spotted it and then made me walk halfway across the island to see it. As you can see, it's nearly as tall as that house! I couldn't even fit the entire skeleton horizontally in a shot because it was so ginormous! Here's the majestic skeletal beast in its glory (but where are its "LifeEyes"?!):

And its faithful companions

It sold out in 2020 and again this year. Last year, this is how Rob so aptly described it:

The seasonal viral seasonal sensation of 2020, the Home Accents 12 ft. Giant-Sized Skeleton with LifeEyes stands head and shoulders (and sternum, and pelvis) above the rest of the normie Halloween junk on offer. There is simply no way to pose this thing that doesn't make it menacingly large. It's a tribute to the self-subverting quality of American consumer excess: something intended as safe, smooth and bland is transformed by sheer size into a looming satanic presence dominating suburbia.

This year it's also attracting scammers. Yikes.