The Irish newspaper The Independent recently spoke with two separate ghost hunting groups — Irish Paranormal Investigations and the similarly-named-but-apparently-different-because-they're-from-Galway Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland — about their business during this spooky season. As it turns out, the COVID-19 pandemic has actually been a boon for haunted happenings:
Reports of increased activity had included a surging number of contacts from the public about unexplained occurrences in people's homes, not just known haunted houses and castles.
It is believed the traumatic impact on society of the world's worst pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu has somehow heightened contacts between the living and spirit worlds.
Ms Anna Massey [an official from Irish Paranormal Investigations] said such 'step-over' activity between the human and spirit worlds was common in times of societal trauma such as wars and pandemics.
"From our perspective as a group we have been getting a lot more contact from people – especially in their private houses," she said.
"It is twofold – more people are more aware of what is going on around them now and noticing these step-overs from the spirit realm."
Ms Massey went on to say that there's a benefit here for the ghosts as well: they've been given a chance to rest and recharge, without having to deal with all these tourists stomping all over their homes all the time. Now they're basically at peak power, making sightings even easier. Allegedly.
While the ghosts be ripe for the, uhhh, spotting, it's not clear what sort of impact the pandemic has had on theses organizations' bottom lines.
'Just like history has layers, so does supernatural activity' – pandemic trauma sparks surge in paranormal contact [Ralph Riegel and Seoirse Mulgrew / The Independent]
Spooky! Ghost hunters say Covid-19 has resulted in a spike in paranormal activity [Shane O'Brien / Irish Central]
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