It apparently costs $100 an hour to enjoy the lavish furnishings and ambience of Emory Decatur Hospital's emergency room. A woman with a head injury found out the hard way when she checked in and waited seven hours to be seen by someone, after which she gave up and left. The hospital billed her $700. Good thing she left when she did, who knows how much the bill could have risen over the next few hours.
From Fox 5:
An email sent to Davis by an Emory Healthcare patient financial services employee states "You get charged before you are seen. Not for being seen."
Davis said unfortunately, she'll think twice before stepping foot in an ER., now that she knows what she can potentially be charged with,
"I'm very reluctant to go to the hospital now. That's kind of like the last resort now. Seeing that they're able to bill you for random things, it doesn't make me want to go. So that's not good," Davis said.
Emory Healthcare sent the following statement:
"Emory Healthcare takes all patient concerns seriously and appreciates this has been brought to our attention. Our teams are currently looking into this matter and will follow up directly with the individual."