Le Balayeur (The Street Sweeper) is a French animated short from 1990 by Serge Elissalde. It appeared on MTV's Liquid Television. The style is sketchy and raw. It tells the story of a grumpy street sweeper. To keep his street clean, he pushes garbage, dirt, people, and cars down a drain hole. When a child loses her ball inside of the drain, he begins fishing everything out to help her. Watch it to find out what happens next.
"Le Balayeur" is a great cartoon that aired on MTV's Liquid Televison in the 90s
- 1990s
- animation
Surreal stratacut animation by Ellard Devane
In this awe-inspiring clay slicing animation by Ellard Devane, a 90 degree rotating car spins around in the middle of a moving background of psychedelic patterns and colors. I've been… READ THE REST
The trailer for "Flow" shows a different kind of buddy animal film
The beginning of the Flow trailer could be a sequel to Stray or Little Kitty, Big City, both cat video games I loved. Instead, it introduces us to a cast… READ THE REST
Anime character breaks free: Watch her hijack 3D software in video
Over on X-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter, 3D modeling artist Kensyouen Y posted this fascinating animation of an anime character reaching through the screen to interact with the UI of their animation software to… READ THE REST
The gamer in your life is going to love receiving Xbox Game Pass Core this holiday season!
TL;DR: Save 16% on this giftable Xbox Game Pass Core membership, now $49.99 (reg. $59) for 12 months through November 17. You probably have a gamer on your holiday shopping list to… READ THE REST
You'll get double the fun with Minecraft Java and Bedrock, now just $20 for both!
TL;DR: Save 33% on Minecraft's Java and Bedrock worlds, now only $19.97 (reg. $29) through November 17. What's the world's best sandbox and world-building game? Minecraft! You probably played it as a… READ THE REST
Use this AI device to record, transcribe, translate, and summarize audio
TL;DR: Use AI to record, transcribe, translate, and summarize audio with the Focais, on sale for $99.99 (reg. $149). It's not that I'm not paying attention. It's just that nobody remembers… READ THE REST