Sir Drone is a 57-minute film created by Raymond Pettibon in 1989. I'm a long-time fan of Pettibon's drawings and only discovered his films recently. Pettibon's films explore similar themes to his drawings. In both, he examines punk and hippie subcultures with a critical eye. I love seeing the way his ideas translate to film. Sir Drone stars Mike Watt (of the Minutemen), the legendary artist Mike Kelley, and Pettibon himself, amongst others.
From Ubuweb:
written, directed and produced by Raymond pettibon.
starring mike watt, mike kelley, raymond pettibon, joe cole, crane, chris wilder, angela taffe, and ricky lee.
Pettibon presents the early days of Los Angeles punk rock not as simple metaphor for the human condition, but as a singular attempt to break the organic chain of metaphysical fate. there and then and forever after, music was to be no longer music. hippies were to be no longer hippies. everything was instead to be punk. but punk as an end – a squelching of artistic attempt. more, a transcendence of artistic statement itself, by starting with human material that is entirely artless – punk!
"I was there and I don't remember it being this exciting, this sexy, this insane!" – joe carducci
[hw.2 / 57m. / 1989 / vhs]