Boing Boing

Ha Ha Ha is an episode of Betty Boop from 1934 about getting stoned at the dentist

In "Ha Ha Ha" (1934), a classic episode of the Fleischer Brothers' Betty Boop cartoon series, we learn about the joys of laughing gas.

When Koko the Clown gets a cavity from eating too many sweets, Betty must put on her dentist hat and give him the special treatment. Betty pulls and yanks with all her might, but Koko's stubborn tooth just won't come out. When Betty brings out the laughing gas, it begins spraying everywhere, and they both get stoned and start laughing uncontrollably.

They forgot to close the window, so the gas seeps out and the entire town gets stoned. Even the inanimate objects in the town like the cars, tombstones, newspaper, and mailboxes, get stoned and giggle together. This place looks fun. I want to go there and giggle with them, too!

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