Prankster Rob Dobi (who is an illustrator IRL) called into conservative talk show "Life with Liz" in Nashua, New Hampshire to "punk" her and her posse. Although they never caught on, Dobi "slammed" the left with a bit of poetry that included as many punk band names as he could fit in. By the end, Liz and crew, although oblivious to his shenanigans, are laughing hard as they say goodbye to their "Republican" caller. Good times were had by all.
See how many punk bands you can catch by listening. (Or read the transcription below.)
"One of my main problems is I'm a Republican in a fairly liberal area and I feel like everyone is just, like, Against me, so I feel like what we need to do is listen to what our Descendents told us. Because in the past, we Refused to live, like, a Life of Agony. I'm Sick Of It All. Im sick of people thinking we're just a Minor Threat. Enough of that Fugazi. A lot of these people just got Bad Brains, that are Misfits that wave Black Flag and they're practically Anti-Flag. I think we need to Converge and help the Youth Of Today because every time you Blink-182 Kids, they go Missing, so I don't think we should be Exploited anymore. We need to Rise Against, or they're going to have to deal with the Fall Out, Boy. … I'll let you guys go. I'm going to head out and Catch some Reel Big Fish. … [but] not if it tastes Rancid."
[Updated at 8:52am after rereading my transcription and finding a few more bands in there to capitalize! Hope I caught them all this time.]
Via Digg