Dumbland is an 8-episode cartoon series of shorts drawn and produced by David Lynch. The series was originally released on his website in 2002, and came out on DVD in 2006. Altogether, the series is 30 minutes long and you can watch it here. The series features a man who is a goofball and lives with his strange wife and child. It's interesting to see Lynch explore this drawing style and make something that's intentionally simple, crude, and slapstick. I love everything that comes out of his brain.
Watch: "Dumbland," a cartoon by David Lynch
- David Lynch
Twin Peaks star Chrystabell and David Lynch reunite for ethereal new album
The new album Cellophane Memories by Chrystabell and David Lynch, originates from a profound vision that Lynch experienced one night while walking through a forest of towering trees, when a… READ THE REST
David Lynch says his days of directing are over — loves smoking, "but in the end, it bit me"
Filmmaker David Lynch says his days of directing are essentially over because he cannot leave home, thanks to an emphysema diagnosis caused by a lifetime of smoking. "I've gotten emphysema… READ THE REST
"Cellophane Memories" by Chrystabell and David Lynch is a new album coming in August
"Cellophane Memories" by Chrystabell and David Lynch is a new album coming out on Sacred Bones Records on August 2, 2024. Here is one of the fantastic tracks and music… READ THE REST
Psst! Here's the secret to looking like you're really busy on work calls
TL;DR: Upgrade your desk with a powerful HP EliteDesk mini PC and dual monitors for $319.99 (reg. $399). Ever wanted to look like you're working hard on that Zoom call while you're actually… READ THE REST
Want to make new friends while traveling? Here's how!
TL;DR: Make a new friend abroad when you learn a new language with Babbel, now $179.97 (reg. $599) through October 20! You've probably heard stories of your friends and other randos making lifelong friends… READ THE REST
Love 2-in-1? Check out this 12-in-1 mini flashlight that can go with you everywhere!
TL;DR: This compact flashlight is portable, has 12 lighting modes, and comes in a two-pack for only $27.99 (reg. $69). You might think you've got everything you need in your iPhone, but let's… READ THE REST