My daughter and I binged watched all the available episodes of Alaskan Killer Bigfoot last night. Reality TV has mastered the use of cute VHS-style edits and Blair Witch camera placement to make paranormal stuff extra hilarious to 50-year-old dads, and spookily terrifying to 14-year-olds.
Evidently the CDP of Nanwalek, Alaska needs more space. The small community of 200-300 people relies largely on the ground they live on for much of their sustenance. There is simply not enough space in their small bay on the Kenai peninsula for another generation to thrive, however — just a few miles away there is some fantastic, resource-rich land that the town elders abandoned in the early 1950s, because of Bigfoot.
Locals call Bigfoot 'Nantinaq.' This version of Big Foot is more than just a giant bi-pedal ape creature with super strength and stench, it also is a shapeshifter, transdimensional traveler, tree inhabitant, and really does not like a good sauna. The series uses awesome 80's VHS-style effects to give the series an eerie feeling when talking to Town Elders and others, but I am pretty sure most of those interviews are current-era.
Apparently, a lot of people died, went missing, suffered mystery illnesses, and heard weird noises in the forest. Frequently these incidents involved feats of superhuman strength or were otherwise inexplicable. So, as aforementioned, sick of finding friends mutilated bodies floating in a lagoon, they bailed.
Now reality TV sends a couple of guys into the woods with cameras and spooky stuff happens.