Boing Boing

When Jamie Kennedy gave a tour of Bob Saget's house by "breaking into" it

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Back in the early aughts, there was a hidden camera/prank show that I loved called The Jamie Kennedy Experiment. In one of my favorite episodes, host Jamie Kennedy poses as a bus tour guide to show L.A. visitors celebrity homes, including Bob Saget's mansion. But, for Saget's place, they get to see not just the outside of it, but get to tour the inside too…when Kennedy, posing as Saget's former assistant on Raising Dad, breaks glass to get in. The tourists are treated to stolen "I heart Bob Saget" shirts and get to look at the bizarre stuff in his fridge, freezer, and bedroom. Then, of course, Saget comes home and hilarity ensues. The recording is terrible but you'll get the gist.

Last March, Kennedy talked about the prank by Bob himself:

screengrab via lazerkings/YT

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