Are you looking to take a sabbatical from the superhero exploits of American comics? Maybe the manga tropes you've come to love are starting to get a little too repetitive. If so, boy, do I have a great palate cleanser for you. European comics have long been a fantastic escape hatch for American comic fans who crave variety in their funny books. One of the best series that exemplifies the European sensibilities in sequential art is Jazz Maynard.

Jazz Maynard follows the adventures of the eponymous trumpeter that moonlights as a world-class thief. Aside from the twist and turns within the narrative, the mesmerizing art of Maynard is as alluring as the book's plot. Artist Roger Ibanez Ugena balances the grit and excitement of the premise by draping his highly stylized characters in heavy shadows.

Like the titular character, Jazz Maynard the comic book occupies two worlds as well. The book explores the seedy world of Spanish crime while simultaneously acting as a character study of Maynard and his two childhood friends, who have also found success in criminality. I fear giving away too much in this recommendation, but if you like the Ocean's Eleven series, Jazz Maynard is the book for you.