Lukasz Puczko is a puppeteer and puppet maker based in Poland who is best known for his dog marionette named "Burek," which he crafted out of wood, string, and artificial… READ THE REST
An AI startup called Luma recently launched a new AI-generated video product called "Dream Machine." On the website, the company pitches the tool as: …An AI model that makes high… READ THE REST
This thread on Twitter collects the unnerving performances of streamers who have mastered an art you now know exists: pretending to be the looping animations of performance-captured characters in games.… READ THE REST
TL;DR: A 1-year Sam's Club membership with auto-renew is just $25 (reg. $50) through September 27. Adulting is tough, but guess what? Sam's Club is here to make it a little easier, and… READ THE REST
TL;DR: A 1-year subscription to Microsoft 365 is just $39.97 (reg. $69) through September 29. Running outdated software is like rocking a flip phone at a tech convention. No shame, but c'mon—it's 2024,… READ THE REST
TL;DR: The JBL PartyBox offers dynamic audio, 12 hours of playtime, and can connect to a mic or guitar for $299.99 (reg. $399)! Anyone knows this: you can't host a party without a… READ THE REST