Nazis are boring. Since the end of the second world war, Nazis have become the generic, default bad guy in all forms of storytelling. Need someone for Indiana Jones to punch? Try a Nazi. Want some expendable cannon fodder for a video game? Don't waste your time inventing a compelling villain with a uniquely horrendous ideology; just add some Nazis.
Don't get me wrong, watching a Nazi swallow their teeth along with their racist rhetoric is fantastic, but I find their oversaturation in stories to be taxing and repetitive. Honestly, it's just a product of the times. Before the Nazis became the de facto example of human evil, other notorious groups were the template for narrative antagonists. If I were around in the 1900s, I'm sure I'd be equally as bored of pirates. Prior to that, Vikings would've been the overused personification of human evil.
Ironically enough, despite all the carnage they caused in their era, the media now presents Vikings as noble warriors and protagonists. We've moved so far away from their bloody legacy that Vikings are now "cool." We shrug off colloquial phrases associated with Vikings and their grizzly rampages and view their berserker rages with whimsy.
In the video linked above, the YouTube channel Nutty History explains that the only people to regard berserker rages as a lark were the Vikings themselves, primarily because they were incredibly high during them.