Boing Boing

Yard sale drawing bought for $30 is a 16th century Dürer worth $10 million

A fellow in Massachusetts purchased the lovely drawing above for $30 at a yard sale held by a fellow who had been given the piece by his art dealer father. Turns out, it's a 16th century work by German Old Master Albrecht Dürer. The work is now in the hands of the Agnews Gallery and was recently exhibited in New York City. From CNN:

Boston-based art collector Clifford Schorer, who is a consultant to the gallery, told CNN Thursday that he came across the rare artwork, thought to have been completed in 1503, by chance on the way to a party in Massachusetts in 2019.

He had forgotten to bring a gift to the party and so took a detour to a bookstore, which sold collectable volumes, en route.

The bookseller told him his friend had a Dürer drawing and asked if he would take a look at it. Schorer agreed, but held out little hope, given that the last time an unknown drawing of "caliber" by the artist was discovered was more than 100 years ago, he said[…]

"Generally speaking it's an inverse relationship between how dramatic the claim is and how much of a let down it is. "[For example] if someone tells me they have a Leonardo [da Vinci], I'm usually pretty confident I'm going to see some images that are unimpressive," Schorer said[…]

Schorer said he told the owner, who wishes to remain anonymous: "I think it's either the greatest forgery I've ever seen or a masterpiece."

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