Kid Rock, who affects a working-class mien but grew up in a mansion, told Tucker Carlson that he stopped taking precautions against Covid-19 after he learned it was killing "overweight, unhealthy people."
Tucker Carlson
What's your view of Fauci?
Kid Rock
Fuck Fauci. Heh.
Tucker Carlson
You speak for many when you say that. Did you believe him at the beginning, Fauci?
Kid Rock
I believed all bullshit at the beginning. Yeah, I mean, we're kind of shooting this documentary and I'm like, so embarrassing like in here, like everyone's spraying off UPS packages and like spraying on the doorknobs. And like a couple months of that shit, and I'm like, "What?" It's like, "so this pretty much like is knocking out overweight, unhealthy people?" I like "I'm good."