Malibu's city council voted unanimously to move forwards with plans to establish an 'Alternative Sleeping Location' for up to 30 homeless people, someplace outside of Malibu.
"If we build it here, they will come because this is a great place to live… if you are just choosing to live unhoused, and by the way there's a lot of people choosing to live unhoused, why not choose to live unhoused in Malibu if they're inviting you to come do it?" said Councilmember Bruce Silverstein, later adding, "I don't believe that the people of Malibu have a moral obligation to help people who come to Malibu in an unhoused state and choose to impose themselves on our residents."
Silverstein also said that he did not want any City funding to go towards the ASL and that it should instead be funded through county, state or federal money.
I am reminded of a scene from the great movie The Big Lebowski: