Rep. Madison "fun drive" Cawthorn (R–NC) is on a roll this month. After ratting out the GOP for their coke-fueled orgy habits, the conservative Christian and alleged sex creep is now talking about penises in language from days yonder.
Referring to Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation hearings, when Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R–TN) was fuzzy about what the word "woman" meant, Cawthorn took to the House floor today to take a hard stab at the word himself. (See first video below.)
"Take notes Madam Speaker. I'm about to define what a woman is for you," the nutty congressman said. "XX chromosomes, no tallywacker."
I mean really, what kind of person seriously uses the word tallywacker in Congress? Like the prim, repressed, mentally unstable Annie Wilkes character in Stephen King's Misery, only a cockadoodie dirty bird does.
And for anyone scratching their heads, wondering what's up with the word "tallywacker," no congressperson is needed. This Austin Powers clip takes a firm look at the many ways the word tallywacker can be uttered: