Boing Boing

The majesty of Golden Axe, Sega's 1988 arcade classic

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I miss the arcade era of video games. Although several establishments have attempted to revive the experience in modernity with the added bonus of booze, there's nothing like the real thing. I miss sauntering into an arcade with a pocket full of quarters(procured from couch nooks and selling homemade lemonade) to find a brand new game cabinet. Cards on the table, I've always been partial to fighting games, but I loved the side-scrolling beat 'em up genre almost as much. And when it came to beat 'em ups, few games compared to the medieval mayhem inherent in Golden Axe.

In the video embedded above, the YouTube channel Slope's Game Room explores the history of Golden Axe and what made the game so incredibly special. It's a shame that the beat 'em up genre, barring a few entries, is dead because I could see a modern version of Golden Axe becoming a monster hit. 

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