"Covfefe" is a chemical antidote to 5G towers, explains one of Trump's very stable geniuses

In the wee hours of May 31, 2017, Trump tweeted, "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." Hours later he deleted the post, saying it was in error. Most people assume Trump meant to spell "coverage" and accidentally published the tweet while trying to correct the typo.

But Johnny Enlow, a unique thinker, Trump admirer, and self-described social reformer, knows the real deal. In a video posted to Twitter by Right Wing Watch, Enlow explains that covfefe is "the antidote to the 5G towers that were really designed to work with the (COVID) vaccines and essentially hack human beings."

From the video:

Covfefe is C-O-V-F-E-F-E. And so that's how it's spelled, OK. C-O-V-F-E-F-E. And yes, people thought that was an error for spelling "coffee." Like they haven't learned yet that President Trump doesn't really miss anything. If something is spelled… if he leaves out an L he adds an R, everything has a reason and a purpose. This is very strategic what is taking place. So covfefe… there are three from the Table of Elements: CO is for cobalt. V is for vanadium. Fe Fe is two molecules of iron. This is the solution, the antidote to the 5G towers that were really designed to work with the vaccines and essentially hacking beings. And so what he implemented… when he was telling covfefe before he was… so they created, essentially, if I understand it correctly, some sort of magnet that they put at every pole, 5G pole that essentially doesn't allow it to do the hacking that they wanted to do.

Aren't you glad we have experts in the world like humble Mr. Enlow who selflessly dedicate their lives to exposing grifting charlatans like Dr. Fauci who serve reptilian overlords Bill Gates and George Soros? If it weren't for people like Johnny Enlow, we might never know the truth!