A Nazi pedophile MI5 agent violently terrorizes women, and the British government and police are protecting him and censoring the BBC

An agent of MI5, one of Britain's security agencies, is a violent and abusive Nazi, misogynist and pedophile who was filmed attacking his partner with a machete, one among countless other examples of similar behavior directed at multiple women in several countries. The BBC is under a court order secured by the British Government not to expose the man's identity or other elements of his activities. But it does detail that he used his status to terrorise his victims: police in the U.K refused to investigate one victim's reports, illegally worked with MI5 in handling and returning evidence, and lied to the BBC about doing so.

The foreign national cannot be named, despite evidence he is a threat to women, after the government took the BBC to court to block publication. …. But the BBC successfully resisted the government's attempt to stop publication of the wide-ranging investigation. …

We tracked down a professional who had helped care for Ruth. He corroborated her account and described the events as perhaps the most disturbing he has ever encountered.

He remembered a notebook in which X had set out his desire to kill. Ruth separately described the same item, saying it contained fantasies involving "blood, bones, flesh. Human flesh. Eating children's flesh".

And he threatened to kill and sexually abuse female children known to Ruth. He would later make the same threats to Beth.

The story introduces the BBC's documentary about the man, which you can watch if you have a U.K. IP address or VPN: The Abuser Working For The MI5.