Leitz Photographica Auction is celebrating 20 years of the house with a magnificent collection of Leitz/Leica rarities on the block. The "40th Leitz Photographica Auction" takes place on June 11 in Wetzlar, Germany and, of course, online. Dig the 1950s Leica display above "in suede finish on cardboard and metal holder," estimated to sell for €6000-7000. I also find the 1968 dismantled Leica IIIf Betriebskamera mounted in a wooden frame to be very stately (estimated € 2000-2400).
Of course, there are also many exquisite and rare cameras for sale—including the GOI Leningrad prototype outfit expected to go for €200000-250000—but what good are a bunch of cameras that take film!? (I'm kidding, by the way.)