As much as I hate to admit it, I have some pretty pronounced hipster tendencies. Few things cause my hair to experience piloerection like having the world get into a band I've loved for years. Sometimes finding an indie band will shake out in your favor, and sometimes it doesn't. With We Are Scientists, I felt like I was on the ground floor of a band set to shake the seven heavens with their greatness. When a few of the group's videos crossed the million view threshold, I was assured they were on the verge of a breakout.
It's been about 15 years since I first became of the group, and they haven't "popped" yet. I don't think they never will, and that's fine. Instead of sharing them with the entire world, I just get to share them with like-minded individuals. As a result, I present the video linked above to the Boing Boing faithful in hopes of giving you guys a new groove.