Big Clive, has a YouTube channel where he opens up electronic products (often dodgy ones that make fraudulent health claims) and explains what makes them work (or don't work). In this video, he shows how to open vape pens (which he often finds discarded in the street) and reuse the rechargeable lithium cells inside.
An entertaining video about reclaiming lithium batteries in discarded vape pens
- explainer videos
Duct tape decoded: the fascinating chemistry behind the ultimate fix-all (video)
According to this new YouTube video, duct tape was invented during World War II as a way to quickly repair ammunition boxes in the field. That alone was surprising to… READ THE REST
Does free will violate the laws of physics?
The title of this six-minute video is "Does free will violate the laws of physics?" But it could also be called "Is free will an illusion?" Physicist Sean Carroll says… READ THE REST
Beautiful 3D animation compares sizes of the 80 known moons of Jupiter with Manhattan
Lucky Jupiter has at least 80 moons, ranging in size from 1 km (cute little Valetudo, discovered in 2016) to 5268 km (Ganymede, possibly discovered in 365 BC). This CGI… READ THE REST
Drop your Dropbox subscription
TL;DR: Ditch your Dropbox or Google Drive subscription for cloud storage that's actually yours for life—Internxt's 10TB cloud storage plan is now $244.99 (reg. $2,999) with code STORAGE30. What do a bad… READ THE REST
Learn 14 languages at home with Babbel
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to Babbel's language learning app, featuring 10,000+ hours of content, 14 languages, and bite-sized lessons, for just $149.99 (originally $599)—only through January 25. Traveling the world is more… READ THE REST
Kids can build their own Smartwatch
TL;DR: Kids can build their own Smartwatch and virtual pet with the CircuitMess DIY Wearable Bundle, now $199 (reg. $214). Kids are surrounded by technology, but that doesn't necessarily mean they understand… READ THE REST