Coming soon: Lloyd Kahn's new book "Rolling Homes — Shelter on Wheels"

I was reading Lloyd Kahn's excellent Gimme Shelter newsletter in which he announced his newest book Rolling Homes — Shelter on Wheels. It's 272 pages and loaded with photos of people who have converted vehicles into houses that they can drive.

After a year and a half, dealing with maybe a hundred contributors, thousands (I kid you not!) of emails, many thousands of photos, the book has pieced itself together, as has been the fashion with our building books. The material provided the content, and the book organized itself as it was put together.

I just received (via expensive air mail from China) the first five copies of Rolling Homes: Shelter on Wheels. 7,000 copies of the book are now en route to the U.S.A. and we expect it to be available in mid-July.

Holding it in my hands, I'm seeing it for the first time. And yes, I am prone to over-enthusiasm, and yes, this is my baby — but I think this is our best building book in years. There's energy, there's joy, there's cleverness and craftsmanship and the spirit of adventure. There's solid information — and fun. The people shine through.

There are time-tested components recommended by these builders, sometimes in great detail. And there's inspiration — to create, to build, to get out there, to do something different.

You can pre-order a copy here, and get it around July 15.
